4 health benefits of corn


Corn is a source of consternation for many individuals since they are unsure about its dietary classification. Is it genuinely beneficial to your health?

It not only has the benefits that whole grains have, but it also has additional benefits.

Corn is technically considered to be a part of the family of whole grains. And the answer is that it may be really beneficial for you. Corn is naturally devoid of gluten, making it an appealing option to wheat for those who are required to steer clear of the protein. The following are four more remarkable advantages that maize offers to one’s health.

Corn provides the benefits of eating whole grains.

Corn belongs to a type of food that is beneficial to one’s health since it is a complete grain. Consuming whole grains has been linked in a number of studies to a reduced risk of developing cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancer, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. (Despite the fact that maize is a grain, there is evidence that eating corn may reduce the risk of obesity.) However, the size of the serving does make a difference. Make an effort to choose serving sizes that correspond with the requirements of your body as well as your level of exercise. For the majority of adult women, it would be equivalent to consuming one ear of corn, a half cup of oven-roasted kernels, or three cups of popcorn in a single sitting.

It is abundant in essential nutrients.

Corn is rich in a number of B vitamins, in addition to the mineral potassium. This latter mineral helps to maintain healthy blood pressure and heart function, as well as normal muscular contractions, as well as avoid muscle cramps and contributes to the preservation of muscle mass. Corn also has about ten times the amount of vitamin A that is found in other cereals. In addition to preventing cognitive decline and defending against it, Vitamin A helps to maintain a healthy immune system and contributes to the formation of mucous membranes in the respiratory tract. Greater membrane thickness results in the formation of more effective protective barriers, which prevent pathogens from entering the circulation.

Antioxidants found in corn provide health benefits.

It has been demonstrated that the primary carotenoids (or pigments) in maize, lutein, and zeaxanthin, can protect your eyes and lower the chance of developing macular degeneration and cataracts. Lutein and zeaxanthin are found in corn. In the meantime, research has revealed that the antioxidant quercetin can fight both acute and chronic inflammation, as well as protect against neurological illnesses like Alzheimer’s. Apoptosis, the programmed cell death that the body employs to get rid of cells that have become defective or worn out, has also been associated with quercetin.

Additionally, it aids in the digestion of food.

Consuming maize provides you with a healthy dosage of insoluble fiber, which means it does not get digested and absorbed into the circulation as other types of fiber do. Insoluble fiber is retained in the gastrointestinal tract, where it contributes to an increase in stool volume and furthers the movement of waste through the body. This helps to avoid constipation, decreases the risk of hemorrhoids, and may help lessen the chance of developing colon cancer. As a result of its high fiber content, corn may also assist in healthy weight control by enhancing feelings of fullness after meals.

A few additional important details are as follows:

The vast majority of fresh corn on the cob is not genetically modified, despite the fact that there are more varieties of genetically modified maize (140, to be precise) than there are of any other plant species. (The great majority of corn farming in the United States is used for the production of biofuels and animal feed; a lesser amount is processed to manufacture a variety of products, such as cornstarch.) If you purchase bagged frozen corn, check for the phrase “USDA Certified Organic” on the label to steer clear of genetically modified organisms.

Even though entire ears of corn have a relatively modest amount of fat (1 gram per ear) and sugar (3 grams per ear), we do not advise ingesting high-fructose corn syrup or corn oil. HFCS has been linked to an abnormal rise in total body fat, particularly in the abdominal region, as well as to triglycerides, which are fats found in the blood. Furthermore, maize oil has a high concentration of omega-6 fatty acids, which have been shown to promote inflammation, particularly in the absence of an adequate amount of omega-3 fatty acids.

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