8 Unexpected Ways to Use Potatoes


Potatoes are one of the most widely consumed and most appreciated vegetables in the whole globe. Even though you can mash them or cook them, potatoes have a lot of other applications than simply being a tasty source of nutrition. The potato may be used in the following other ways:

Put their flowers on your head.

Potatoes are derived from the Solanum tuberosum plant, which is a member of the nightshade family and may produce blossoms in a variety of colours, including white, pink, red, blue, and purple. In the late 1700s, Marie Antoinette wore potato flowers in her hair, and King Louis XVI wore them in his buttonholes, in an effort to inspire their famished subjects to plant the newly introduced vegetable, which the Spanish had brought to Europe from South America. At the time, their subjects were starving, and the Spanish had brought the vegetable to Europe from South America. This led to potato flowers being a popular choice among the French nobles for a period of time; nevertheless, the strategy was unsuccessful since the lower classes resisted the attempts of the higher classes to induce them to produce the crop.

Convert potatoes into a source of electrical power.

If you find yourself in a bind or are just a person who likes to be prepared for the end of the world, you should start stockpiling potatoes right now. You can power a clock, a light bulb, and a variety of other tiny electrical devices using only a few objects from around the home, including some cables, some copper, and a zinc-coated nail, as well as one of the tubers.

Use potatoes to garden in space.

The potato was the first vegetable to be cultivated in space in 1995. It was grown aboard the space shuttle. Raymond Bula of the University of Wisconsin in Madison served as the project’s leader and was responsible for the propagation of five Norland variety potato leaves in space. This study was overseen by Bula’s research group in Wisconsin, which maintained continual communication with NASA. NASA, in turn, maintained constant touch with the crew members aboard the space shuttle. When the shuttle finally arrived back at its destination, everyone was relieved to see that the potato plants had not only made it through the trip unscathed, but that they had also produced potatoes.

Use them to cultivate roses.

It is possible for gardeners to plant a complete potato as if it were a seed or bulb after inserting rose cuttings into the flesh of the potato. The plant that is developing from the cutting has a higher chance of surviving thanks to the potato, which is rich in nutrients and helps offer moisture and nutrition to the plant.

You may use plastic made from potatoes.

Corn, wheat, and yes, even potatoes may be used in the production of a material that is referred to as bioplastic. The concentration of starches and cellulose in a potato can be utilized to manufacture plastic, and the plastic that is made out of potatoes may be burnt or composted with far less of an effect on the environment than traditional plastic.

Use potatoes to measure time.

At the height of their civilisation, the Incas of Peru made extensive use of potatoes in a variety of different capacities. The Incas, who are most known for their innovative and forward-thinking farming techniques, also studied time and began utilizing the amount of time it takes to boil a potato as a measurement of time itself.

Potatoes may be used to remove rust.

Do you have a knife that has a few rust spots on it? It will be much easier to remove the rust off the blade of the knife if you first put it into the potato and then let it to rest for some time. Oxalic acid, found naturally in potatoes, is an ingredient in a wide variety of products designed for cleaning homes and offices (in much greater quantities, of course). Oxalic acid also dissolves rust. If you want to use a potato to clean more rusty areas, split it in half, put baking powder on it or soak it in dish soap, and then go to work.

Put them in the mail

With the help of Mail A Spud, the fantasy of sending a potato to one’s nearest and dearest friends and family may now be made a reality for the low price of just $14. The website boasts that it can deliver potatoes to any location in the United States and that the recipients of any present you send via the mail are certain to be delighted. In addition to that, there’s a company called Potato Parcel that will send you a potato printed with your face on it.


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